Automation Panel多点触控
多点触控面板 - **可用性
多点触控面板开启了HMI创新设计的全新世界。在应用中可以使用大量手势:使用两个手指放大、缩小并旋转物体,滚动列表以及快速切换*下一屏。多点触控技术的主要优点是它使操作更加直观。与此同时,它还提供了一个简单的方法以防止误操作,那就是紧急或潜在危险的操作需要使用双手手势。Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB、Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Professional、Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate和Windows Embedded Standard 7 Premium操作系统都支持多点触控显示。
● 投射电容式多点触摸屏
● 宽屏显示,从7" WVGA*24" Full HD
● 超薄设计
● 安装灵活
● 可戴手套操作
● 防眩光表面
第二代Automation Panel也可以作为贝加莱Panel PC设备的技术基础。这一模块化平台策略导致产品组合**柔性。
面板本身就是核心部件,它通过添加模块化的Smart Display Link接收器成为Automation Panel。另外,使用Smart Display Link 3为扩展距离和简化布线开启了更多可能性。在相同的面板中增加PC单元使之成为Panel PC可以升级处理性能。使用相同的前端平台减少了备件所需的仓储空间。通过Automation Panel和Panel PC定制产品仅需一个基本单元。
将系统划分成面板、Smart Display Link(SDL/SDL3)接收器和Panel PC在现场拥有相当大的好处。例如,无需更换整个Panel PC就能快速更换受损的显示屏。贝加莱通过这种方式创建了一个统一的接口,它为所有面向未来的PC架构建立了一个灵活的系统平台。
为远程操作面板提供灵活的连接使Automation Panel系统在竞争中脱颖而出。对于众多现场面板而言,Automation PC 910配备了行之**的Smart Display Link(SDL)接口,它也可以作为标准DVI接口。SDL连接PC和显示器就如同连接单个电缆一般容易 – 针对短距离的理想解决方案。
Smart Display Link 3的优势在长距离连接时得以体现。Automation Panel与Automation PC之间的**间距是100米。
Smart Display Link不仅为显示单元提供了图像数据,而且还提供了操作触摸屏、LED、按键和远程USB接口所需要的所有数据。
除了标准型之外,Automation Panel还提供各种特定行业设计。因此,它们可以被用于食品行业中满足专门的卫生或安全相关要求,甚*作为一般仅限于汽车行业使用的单独操作元件。
面板 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
5 AP1130.0702-000 | 自动化装置面板 7.0" WVGA TFT - 800 x 480 像素 (16:10) - 多点触控(投射电容) - 开关柜安装 - 横向 - 用于 PPC2100/联接模块 - 安装兼容 5PP520.0702-00 |
5 AP1130.101D-000 | Automation Panel 10.1" High Resolution - 1920 x 1200 pixels (16:10) - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - Control cabinet installation - Landscape format - For PPC2100/PPC3100/PPC2200 - For link modules |
5 AP1130.101E-000 | 自动化装置面板 10.1" WXGA TFT - 1280 x 800 像素 (16:10) - 多点触控(投射电容) - 开关柜安装 - 横向 - 用于 PPC2100/PPC3100/联接模块 |
5 AP1130.121E-000 | 自动化装置面板 12.1" WXGA TFT - 1280 x 800 像素 (16:10) - 多点触控(投射电容) - 开关柜安装 - 横向 - 用于 PPC2100/PPC3100/联接模块 |
5 AP1130.121E-010 | Automation Panel 12.1" sunlight readable - 1280 x 800 pixels (16:10) - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - Control cabinet installation - Landscape format - For PPC2100/PPC3100/PPC2200 - For link modules |
5 AP1130.156C-000 | 自动化装置面板 15.6" FullHD TFT - 1920 x 1080 像素 (16:9) - 多点触控(投射电容) - 开关柜安装 - 横向 - 用于 PPC900/PPC2100/PPC3100/ 联接模块 |
5 AP1130.156C-001 | Automation Panel 15.6" Full HD TFT - 1920 x 1080 pixels (16:9) - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - Control cabinet installation - Landscape format - Optical bonding - For PPC900/PPC2100/PPC3100/PPC2200 - For link modules |
5 AP1130.185C-000 | 自动化装置面板 18.5" FullHD TFT - 1920 x 1080 像素 (16:9) - 多点触控(投射电容) - 开关柜安装 - 横向 - 用于 PPC900/PPC2100/PPC3100/ 联接模块 |
5 AP933.156B-00 | Automation Panel 15.6" HD TFT - 1366 x 768 pixels (16:9) - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - Control cabinet installation - Landscape format - For PPC900/PPC2100/PPC3100/PPC2200 - For link modules |
5 AP933.185B-00 | Automation Panel 18.5" HD TFT - 1366 x 768 pixels (16:9) - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - Control cabinet installation - Landscape format - For PPC900/PPC2100/PPC3100/PPC2200 - For link modules |
5 AP933.215C-00 | Automation Panel 21.5" Full HD TFT - 1920 x 1080 pixels (16:9) - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - Control cabinet installation - Landscape format - For PPC900/PPC2100/PPC3100/PPC2200 - For link modules |
5 AP933.240C-00 | Automation Panel 24.0" Full HD TFT - 1920 x 1080 pixels (16:9) - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - Control cabinet installation - Landscape format - For PPC900/PPC2100/PPC3100/PPC2200 - For link modules |
5 AP93D.185B-B62 | - Automation Panel 18.5" HD TFT - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - 1366 x 768 pixels (16:9) - Protection: IP69K (front), IP66 (back) - Front/Housing made of stainless steel (hygienic design) - Prepared for mounting on Rittal CP-S stainless steel swing arm system (flange not included in delivery) - Flange possible on top or bottom - USB port on back |
5 AP93D.240C-B62 | - Automation Panel 24.0" Full HD TFT - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - 1920 x 1080 pixels (16:9) - Protection: IP69K (front), IP66 (back) - Front/Housing made of stainless steel (hygienic design) - Prepared for mounting on Rittal CP-S stainless steel swing arm system (flange not included in delivery) - Flange possible on top or bottom - USB port on back |
5 AP99D.156B-B62 | - Automation Panel 15.6" HD TFT - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - 1366 x 768 pixels (16:9) - Protection: IP69K (front), IP66 (back) - Front/Housing made of stainless steel (hygienic design) - Emergency stop, hygienic design - 5 B&R illuminated ring keys, 4-color (4x yellow, green, red, white and 1x yellow, green, red, blue) - Prepared for mounting on Rittal CP-S stainless steel swing arm system (flange not included in delivery) - Flange possible on top or bottom - USB port on back - RFID read/write unit |
5 AP99D.185B-B62 | - Automation Panel 18.5" HD TFT - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - 1366 x 768 pixels (16:9) - Protection: IP69K (front), IP66 (back) - Front/Housing made of stainless steel (hygienic design) - Emergency stop, hygienic design - 5 B&R illuminated ring keys, 4-color (4x yellow, green, red, white and 1x yellow, green, red, blue) - Prepared for mounting on Rittal CP-S stainless steel swing arm system (flange not included in delivery) - Flange possible on top or bottom - USB port on back - RFID read/write unit |
5 AP99D.215C-B62 | - Automation Panel 21.5" Full HD TFT - Multi-touch (projected capacitive) - 1920 x 1080 pixels (16:9) - Protection: IP69K (front), IP66 (back) - Front/Housing made of stainless steel (hygienic design) - Emergency stop, hygienic design - 5 B&R illuminated ring keys, 4-color (4x yellow, green, red, white and 1x yellow, green, red, blue) - Prepared for mounting on Rittal CP-S stainless steel swing arm system (flange not included in delivery) - Flange possible on top or bottom - USB port on back - RFID read/write unit |
连接模块 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
5DLDPO.1001-00 | Automation Panel link module - DisplayPort receiver - For Automation Panel 933/1000 - For Automation Panel 5000 |
5DLSD3.1001-00 | 自动化装置面板联接模块 - SDL3 接收器 - 用于自动化装置面板 923/933/1000 - 用于自动化装置面板 5000 |
5DLSD4.1001-00 | Automation Panel link module - SDL4 receiver - For Automation Panel 923/933/1000 - For Automation Panel 5000 |
5DLSDL.1001-00 | 自动化装置面板联接模块 - SDL/DVI 接收器 - 用于自动化装置面板 923/933/1000 - 用于自动化装置面板 5000 |
电缆 | |
DVI电缆 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
5CADVI.0018-00 | DVI-D 电缆 - 1.8 m |
5CADVI.0050-00 | DVI-D 电缆 - 5 m |
5CADVI.0100-00 | DVI-D 电缆 - 10 m |
SDL电缆 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
5CASDL.0008-00 | SDL 电缆 - 0.8 m |
5CASDL.0018-00 | SDL 电缆 - 1.8 m |
5CASDL.0050-00 | SDL 电缆 - 5 m |
5CASDL.0060-00 | SDL cable - 6 m |
5CASDL.0100-00 | SDL 电缆 - 10 m |
5CASDL.0150-00 | SDL 电缆 - 15 m |
5CASDL.0200-00 | SDL 电缆 - 20 m |
5CASDL.0250-00 | SDL 电缆 - 25 m |
5CASDL.0300-00 | SDL 电缆 - 30 m |
SDL柔性电缆 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
5CASDL.0018-03 | 柔性 SDL 电缆 - 1.8 m |
5CASDL.0050-03 | 柔性 SDL 电缆 - 5 m |
5CASDL.0100-03 | 柔性 SDL 电缆 - 10 m |
5CASDL.0150-03 | 柔性 SDL 电缆 - 15 m |
5CASDL.0200-03 | 柔性 SDL 电缆 - 20 m |
5CASDL.0250-03 | 柔性 SDL 电缆 - 25 m |
5CASDL.0300-03 | 柔性 SDL 电缆 - 30 m |
5CASDL.0300-13 | 带延长器的柔性 SDL 电缆 - 30 m |
5CASDL.0400-13 | 带延长器的柔性 SDL 电缆 - 40 m |
5CASDL.0430-13 | 带延长器的柔性 SDL 电缆 - 43 m |
SDL电缆带45°连接器 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
5CASDL.0018-01 | SDL 电缆 - 45 度接口 - 1.8 m |
5CASDL.0050-01 | SDL 电缆 - 45 度接口 - 5 m |
5CASDL.0100-01 | SDL 电缆 - 45 度接口 - 10 m |
5CASDL.0150-01 | SDL 电缆 - 45 度接口 - 15 m |
SDL3电缆 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
5CASD3.0010-00 | SDL3/SDL4/FT50 cable - 1 m - FT50 including Power over Ethernet |
5CASD3.0030-00 | SDL3/SDL4 电缆 - 3 m |
5CASD3.0050-00 | SDL3/SDL4 电缆 - 5 m |
5CASD3.0070-00 | SDL3/SDL4/FT50 cable - 7 m - FT50 including Power over Ethernet |
5CASD3.0100-00 | SDL3/SDL4 电缆 - 10 m |
5CASD3.0150-00 | SDL3/SDL4 电缆 - 15 m |
5CASD3.0200-00 | SDL3/SDL4 电缆 - 20 m |
5CASD3.0300-00 | SDL3/SDL4 电缆 - 30 m |
5CASD3.0500-00 | SDL3/SDL4 电缆 - 50 m |
5CASD3.1000-00 | SDL3/SDL4 电缆 - 100 m |
USB电缆 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
5CAUSB.0018-00 | USB 2.0 连接电缆 - 类型 A - 类型 B 插头 - 1.8 m |
5CAUSB.0050-00 | USB 2.0 连接电缆 - 类型 A - 类型 B 插头 - 5 m |
RS232电缆 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
9A0014.02 | RS232 延长电缆 用于运行带触摸屏的 取下的显示屏单元,1.8 m。 |
9A0014.05 | RS232 延长电缆 用于运行带触摸屏的 取下的显示屏单元,5 m。 |
9A0014.10 | RS232 延长电缆 用于运行带触摸屏的 取下的显示屏单元,10 m。 |
附件 | |
物料号 | 描述 |
0TB103.9 | 24 VDC 插头 - 3 芯母头 - 螺旋端子 3.31 mm² |
0TB103.91 | 24 VDC 插头 - 3 芯母头 - 弹簧端子 3.31 mm² |
5 A9000.D3 | cHMI replacement gasket 5 AP99D.156B-B62 1 pc. |
5 A9000.D4 | cHMI replacement gasket 5 AP93D.185B-B62 1 pc. |
5 A9000.D5 | cHMI replacement gasket 5 AP99D.185B-B62 and 5 AP99D.185C-B62 1 pc. |
5 A9000.D7 | cHMI replacement gasket 5 AP93D.240C-B62 1 pc. |
5 ACCRHMI.0000-000 | HMI grounding clip |
5 ACCRHMI.0001-000 | Retaining clips 16 mm - 14 pcs. with 16 mm setscrews - For AP1000 and AP9x3 |
5 ACCRHMI.0002-000 | Retaining clips 20 mm - 14 pcs. with 20 mm setscrews - For AP1000 and AP9x3 |
5 ACCRHMI.0003-000 | Retaining clips 25 mm - 12 pcs. with 25 mm setscrews - For AP1000 and AP9x3 |
5 ACCRHMI.0006-000 | HMI installation tool for control cabinet - 1x torque wrench 0.4 - 2.0 Nm - 1x hex head bit 2.5, length 89 mm - 1x hex head bit 3.0, length 89 mm - 1x hex head bit 5.0, length 89 mm - 1x Torx 10 bit, length 90 mm - 1x Torx 20 bit, length 89 mm |